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Website translation
Website translation
Translation of WEB-sites
In the context of globalization, most companies strive to make their websites multilingual. Website translation is one of the most effective methods of attracting foreign partners and clients.
Translation agency OLS has experience in translating sites into Russian, Kazakh, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and other languages.
Stages of website translation
- Export of site content, i.e. texts of all pages is required to calculate the cost of translation.
- Website content translation - website translation is carried out at standard rates, like any text on the relevant subject.
Site support
After the website is translated, the task arises of keeping it up to date. The content of the site requires constant updating. The Bureau provides comprehensive translation support and website support in a foreign language. Support includes: prompt translation of news, articles, new pages of the site, proofreading and editing of website texts online.
Website editing
Our editors are professional linguists with both their own unique style of writing texts and the ability to imitate almost any style of text.
Convenient form of cooperation
The most convenient form of cooperation with us is a translation agreement using an advance payment system. You can send many small text blocks for translation and coordinate orders by e-mail.
или свяжитесь с нами напрямую: +7 771 166 88 11
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